The star occupancy rate (TPK) in Maluku in January 2019 reached 23.77 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Seram Bagian Timur Regency

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The star occupancy rate (TPK) in Maluku in January 2019 reached 23.77 percent

Release Date : March 5, 2019
File Size : 0.39 MB


The star occupancy rate (TPK) in Maluku in January 2019 reached 23.77 percent or 15.82 points compared to December 2018. When compared with the January 2018 TPK which was recorded at 26.73 percent, star hotel RORs in Maluku experienced a decrease of 2, 96 points.

The average length of stay of foreign guests in star hotels in Maluku is January 2019 for 5.13 days, up 0.93 points compared to December 2018. When compared to the same period in 2018, there was an increase in the length of stay of foreign guests of 0.98

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