The Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in May 2019 was 100.22 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Seram Bagian Timur Regency

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The Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in May 2019 was 100.22

Release Date : June 27, 2019
File Size : 1.1 MB


The Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) of Maluku Province in May 2019 was 100.22, down 0.61 percent compared to April 2019 which was recorded at 100.84. This happened because even though It had increased by 0.20 percent, it was still lower than the Ib increase which was recorded at 0.82 percent.

4 (four) subsectors experienced a decline in NTP: food crops (2.24%), fisheries specifically for aquaculture groups (2.17%), smallholder plantations (0.89%), and horticulture crops (0.47%).

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