Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rates in January 2020 were 99.01 on average, unchanged. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Seram Bagian Timur Regency

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Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rates in January 2020 were 99.01 on average, unchanged.

Release Date : February 11, 2020
File Size : 0.4 MB


Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rates (NTP) in January 2020 were 99.01, on average unchanged compared to December 2019. This happened because both It and Ib both experienced an increase of 1.00 percent.

2 (two) subsectors experienced an increase in FTT: the fisheries subsector by 0.93 percent contributed by the capture fisheries group by 1.03 percent and the smallholder estate crops subsector. horticulture by 0.47 percent. Meanwhile, 3 (three) subsectors experienced a decrease in FTT: the livestock subsector by 0.88 percent, the horticulture subsector by 0.67 percent, and the food crops sub-sector 0.54 percent.

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