In December 2020, Ambon City experienced a deflation of 0.07 percent. The City of Tual also experienced a deflation of 0.16 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Seram Bagian Timur Regency

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In December 2020, Ambon City experienced a deflation of 0.07 percent. The City of Tual also experienced a deflation of 0.16 percent.

Release Date : February 1, 2021
File Size : 0.71 MB


In December 2020, out of 90 CPI cities in Indonesia, 87 cities experienced inflation and 3 cities experienced deflation.

The highest inflation occurred in Gunung Sitoli City at 1.87 percent. The lowest inflation occurred in the City of Tanjung Selor at 0.05 percent. The highest deflation occurred in Luwuk City with 0.26 percent. The lowest deflation occurred in Ambon City at 0.07 percent.

Ambon City experienced deflation of 0.07 percent with a CPI of 105.55. The City of Tual also experienced deflation of 0.16 percent with a CPI of 106.66.

Of the 90 CPI Cities, Ambon City's CPI ranking dropped to 44th position. The Tual City CPI ranking also fell to position 18. Monthly inflation, calendar year inflation, and year-on-year inflation for Ambon City is ranked 88th. Monthly inflation in Tual City is ranked 89th, inflation for the calendar year and year-on-year inflation is at 32nd.

The 10 (ten) main commodities that experienced a price decline and contributed the largest to the deflation of Ambon City in December 2020 include: flying fish, air transportation, skipjack tuna, papaya, apples, green mustard greens, gold jewelry, chicken, spinach, and women's blouse.

The 10 (ten) main commodities that experienced a price decline and contributed the largest to Tual City deflation in December 2020 include: flying fish, tuna, rice, lime, papaya, sugar, cucumber, watermelon, powdered milk for toddlers, and sweet potatoes.
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