The 2020 Population Census recorded that the population of Maluku in September 2020 was 1,848.92 thousand - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Seram Bagian Timur Regency

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The 2020 Population Census recorded that the population of Maluku in September 2020 was 1,848.92 thousand

Release Date : February 1, 2021
File Size : 3.29 MB


The 2020 Population Census recorded that the population of Maluku in September 2020 was 1,848.92 thousand. Compared to the results of the previous census, the population of Maluku continues to increase. In a period of ten years since 2010, the population of Maluku has increased by around 315.41 thousand, or an average of 31.5 thousand every year. In the last ten years (2010-2020), the population growth rate of Maluku is 1.83 percent per year.

Of the 1,848.92 thousand inhabitants of Maluku, 91.42 percent or around 1,687.04 thousand residents live according to their KK / KTP. Meanwhile, 8.76 percent or about 161.88 thousand other residents who do not live according to KK / KTP.

The population structure can be a form of development capital when the number of productive age population is very large. The SP2020 results noted that the majority of Maluku's population is dominated by generation Z and Millennial. The proportion of generation Z is 35 percent of the total population (634.36 thousand people) and Millennial generation is 26 percent of the total population of Maluku.

The percentage of the population of productive age (15-64 years) has continued to increase since 2000. In 2000 the proportion of the population of productive age was 58.6 percent of the total population and increased to 61.3 percent in 2010.

Along with the increase in life expectancy, the percentage of the elderly population (60 years and over) has also increased. The percentage of the elderly population increases to 8.2 percent in 2020 from 6.2 percent in 2010 based on the SP2010 results.

SP2020 noted that the total male population in Maluku was 936.47 thousand people or 50.65 percent of the Maluku population and the female population in Maluku was 912.44 thousand people or 49.35 percent of the Maluku population.

With Maluku's land area of ​​46.9 thousand square kilometers, the population density of Maluku is 39 people per square kilometer.
The distribution of the Maluku population is still concentrated in Central Maluku at 22.88 percent and the second largest population distribution is in Ambon City with a population of 347.28 thousand people, which is 18.78 percent.
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