The Farmer Exchange Rate of Maluku Province in February 2021 was 97.89 Down 0.68 percent. - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Seram Bagian Timur Regency

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The Farmer Exchange Rate of Maluku Province in February 2021 was 97.89 Down 0.68 percent.

Release Date : March 2, 2021
File Size : 1.08 MB


  • Farmers Exchange Rate Index (NTP) is the comparison of the price index received by farmers (It) to the price index paid by farmers (Ib).
  • The Maluku Province Farmer Exchange Rate (NTP) in February 2021 was 97.89, or decreased 0.68 percent compared to January 2021 which was recorded at 98.56. The decline in NTP was caused by the price index for agricultural production (It) which was recorded to have decreased by 0.39 percent and an increase in the index of prices paid by farmers (Ib) by 0.29 percent.
  • In February 2021, Maluku Province was in the 28th position out of 34 provinces with an NTP of 97.89. The highest NTP occurred in Riau Province at 133.04, while the lowest NTP occurred in Bali Province at 92.46.
  • Two sub-sectors experienced an increase in NTP, namely the livestock sub-sector (0.71 percent) and the fisheries sub-sector (1.75 percent). Meanwhile, three other sub-sectors experienced a decline in NTP, namely the food crops sub-sector (-2.20 percent), the horticulture sub-sector (-2.22 percent) and the smallholder plantation sub-sector (-0.09 percent).
  • In February 2021, there was an increase in the IKRT by 0.29 percent. The increase in the IKRT is due to the increase in the IKRT in the expenditure of food, beverages and tobacco; clothing and footwear expenditure group; housing, water, electricity and other fuels; household equipment, tools and routine maintenance; health; transportation; Information, communication and financial services; recreation, sports, and culture, as well as personal care and other services.
  • NTUP Maluku Province in February 2021 experienced a decrease of 0.50 percent compared to January 2021, from 102.75 to 102.24.
  • Badan Pusat Statistik

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